Agglomerator Machine 30 HP, 40 HP, 50 HP, 60 HP This machine is used in the Flexible Materials Recycling in order to Agglomerate and Blend the Input Products. The Purpose of the Plastic Agglomerator is also to reduce considerably the Volume and at the same time to Dry the Product. Specially designed for processing plastic waste for reclamation and recycling, Polyester, & Nylon Film, Fabric & Fiber waste, trim scraps, baled or loose film, synthetic fibre and carpet. Agglomerator is ideal to convert plastic waste dense cubes for easy feeding into Extruder. Agglomerators work by tumbling material in a rotating drum in the presence of a binding agent. The binding agent causes the fines to become tacky and allows them to pick up additional fines, forming agglomerates in a process referred to as coalescence. An agglomeration is a messy cluster or jumbled collection of various elements. Agglomeration can also refer to the process of agglomerating—gathering into a cluster or mass. In fact, the clustering of automobile manufacturing is a prime example of agglomeration, a powerful concept in economics that has a large influence both on the way urban areas develop and where companies choose to locate. One aspect of agglomeration is that firms are often located near to each other. This concept relates to the idea of economies of scale and network effects. ... The basic concept of agglomeration economies is that production is facilitated when there is a clustering of economic activity.
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